Welcome to the Neighborhood
Directed by Pamela Uzzell

When artist Mildred Howard, daughter of legendary Berkeley activist Mable Howard, loses her South Berkeley home due to soaring rental prices, it costs Berkeley a piece of its history and its legacy. This story of an African American family illuminates both personal power to create possibilities in adversity, and the broader issue of gentrification and a housing crisis that threatens a community.
Plays in
Infrastructure for Equity
SFUFF 2018 / 150 mins
Infrastructure, whether in the form of transit, highways, or public housing, has been used to divide and degrade communities, and yet there are stories of resistance and people fighting to thrive anyway. And in recent years, local governments are learning from past mistakes as they embark on initiatives to weave a more unified city through urban design. Join us for screening of films selected from international and local submissions, including the Swiss filmmaker Zoel Aeschbacher’s narrative short “Bonobo” and local filmmaker Serghino Roosblad‘s documentary film about Oakland’s MacArthur Maze, followed by a lively panel discussion.In This Program: Bonobo, Hollamby’s Hill, The Maze, Welcome to the Neighborhood
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