Life in Gray
Directed by Leonardi Martinelli
The North American premiere of a faux documentary about the ongoing social, political and economical crisis in Brazil, where the government cuts the colors of Rio de Janeiro, turning the city black and white.
Plays in
The City That Holds Us
SFUFF 2018 / 150 mins
On-line ticket sales will end at 4pm. Tickets will be available at the door at SPUR starting at 5:30pm today. All people who define themselves as New Yorkers, Tel-Avivians or MontrĂ©alais have some things in common with others who hold the same self-definition. But that sense of belonging does not necessarily compromise other affinities. How do some cities enable a multitude of identities and coexistence? The short films in this program explore identity in the city, including the unique approach of the documentary short film "#6261" on strangers-neighbors who share a relationship with this number in Montreal, and "Life-Sized City - Episode 5:Tel-Aviv", exploring a city in conflict through grassroots urban initiatives that transcend religious, political and class boundaries.In This Program: Life-Sized City – Episode 5: Tel Aviv, #6261, Al Ghorba, Life in Gray, The New York Woman
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