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Al Ghorba

Directed by Alia Hijaab

SFUFF 2018, Shorts / 2018 / Documentary / 6 mins / Color / Video

Plays In:
The City That Holds Us

November 12, 2018 6:00 pm Tickets Available at Door


Through a series of dreams, a Syrian woman living far from home tries to deal with being unsettled and displaced from her war-torn country. “Al Ghorba” is an arabic word that can be translated to “the state of being a stranger,” when one is surrounded by strangers and is a stranger to them. This concept is center to the film for it describes one experience moving to a new land that is alienating to you.

Plays in

  1. The City That Holds Us

    SFUFF 2018 / 150 mins
    On-line ticket sales will end at 4pm. Tickets will be available at the door at SPUR starting at 5:30pm today. All people who define themselves as New Yorkers, Tel-Avivians or Montréalais have some things in common with others who hold the same self-definition. But that sense of belonging does not necessarily compromise other affinities. How do some cities enable a multitude of identities and coexistence? The short films in this program explore identity in the city, including the unique approach of the documentary short film "#6261" on strangers-neighbors who share a relationship with this number in Montreal, and "Life-Sized City - Episode 5:Tel-Aviv", exploring a city in conflict through grassroots urban initiatives that transcend religious, political and class boundaries.

    In This Program: Life-Sized City – Episode 5: Tel Aviv, #6261, Al Ghorba, Life in Gray, The New York Woman

Dates & Times

Plays In:
The City That Holds Us

November 12, 2018 6:00 pm Tickets Available at Door