The Headwearshop: Black Lives Matter
Directed by Shantré Pinkney

Plays In:
Protest and Celebration in Our Shared Spaces
Roxie Theater
November 11, 2018 6:00 pm
Tickets Available at Door
A woman prepares herself to join a Black Lives Matter protest.
Plays in
Protest and Celebration in Our Shared Spaces
SFUFF 2018 / 120 mins
Early bird on-line ticket sales will end at 4pm Sunday 11/11. Tickets available at the door at the Roxie! This program will explore how public spaces are venues for civil disobedience, protest, and celebration. We will also examine how notions of public change with the times and across cultures; and the implications of private entities increasing their role in providing and regulating open spaces.In This Program: Urban Art Demands Justice: A Drive Through Ciudad Juárez, The Headwearshop: Black Lives Matter, Velo Visionaries – Chris Carlsson, Women’s March Film
Dates & Times
Plays In:
Protest and Celebration in Our Shared Spaces
Roxie Theater
November 11, 2018 6:00 pm
Tickets Available at Door
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