The Dream Kontinues
Directed by Pendarvis Harshaw
Plays In:
Street Art as Political Currency
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Public Knowledge Annex
November 15, 2018 6:00 pm
Oakland filmmaker Pendarvis Harshaw unfurls the mystery of the prolific muralist whose work is tagged “The Dream” and profiles other members of the “TDK” collective.
Plays in
Street Art as Political Currency
SFUFF 2018 / 120 mins
Murals are a powerful form of art that expose us to beauty while oftentimes critiquing political and social conditions. The act of painting murals often brings people together through a sense of affinity and shared purpose, while at the same time offering challenges to regimes of power, expressing dissent, of simply revealing alternate points of view. This program is collection of shorts focusing on visual and graphic art in the public realm as a way of expressing and cultivating social capital; and will explore how mural artists around the world are engaged in a practice that provokes and unites.In This Program: Not With Fire, but with Paint, Painting the Town, Concrete Canvas, The Dream Kontinues
Dates & Times
Plays In:
Street Art as Political Currency
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Public Knowledge Annex
November 15, 2018 6:00 pm
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